What to Look for in a New Refrigerator

12 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog


If you've decided to upgrade or replace your refrigerator, then you may be overwhelmed by the number of choices available. So many new refrigerators have great features and a variety of styles, so it's hard to choose just one. Here is a short guide to choosing a refrigerator so it fits well and has the features you want.

Measure Carefully

Measure your old refrigerator and the space where your new refrigerator will go. Also, measure your counter depth because some refrigerators are designed to line up with your counters. Measuring makes sure your new unit will fit perfectly, so you won't have to place it in an odd place or make modifications to your kitchen.

Choose a Style

New refrigerators come in a variety of styles. They still come in the standard freezer-on-top or freezer-on-bottom style, but there are also styles with multiple doors. One popular style is the side-by-side models. These refrigerators are great for limited space. They are usually narrower, and contents are easily accessible without having to reach up or bend over. Plus, the doors are shorter, so they're great when there's no room for a larger door.

Traditional bottom and top freezer models often have larger and deeper spaces than side-by-side refrigerators. If you use a lot of frozen items, then a top mount might provide easier access. If you don't like bending down to look in the crisper and don't use the freezer much, then a bottom-mount freezer might be better.

Consider the Features

The first feature you should always look for regardless of style is energy efficiency. Your new refrigerator should be more energy efficient than your old one. However, you should aim to get the most energy-efficient model for the style and features you need. Another recent feature is the smart refrigerator. These refrigerators monitor energy usage and can be a convenient way to leave notes and check up on contents.

Dispose of Your Old Refrigerator

If your old refrigerator is still working, consider donating it to a needy charity. Charities will either use it outright if it is in good condition or sell it for cash. You can also recycle your refrigerator. Many places have a cash program for used refrigerators. Whatever you do, don't keep your old refrigerator if you don't need it as it will be an energy hog.

If you plan and choose carefully, you will be satisfied with your new purchase. If you are looking for a new refrigerator, then check out an appliance store for current models.